proportional taxes|proportional tax in English

egular payments which are not dependent on the size of income

Use "proportional taxes|proportional tax" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "proportional taxes|proportional tax" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "proportional taxes|proportional tax", or refer to the context using the word "proportional taxes|proportional tax" in the English Dictionary.

1. It's inversely proportional to taxes.

2. Where T is the proportional corporate tax rate.

3. Another useful classification is between progressive, proportional and regressive taxes.

4. 3 Another useful classification is between progressive, proportional and regressive taxes.

5. The first part introduces the selection between the proportional tax rate and the progressive tax rate.

6. Pollen size is proportional to stamen height, while pollen production is inversely proportional.

7. Proportional tax system, cooperating with other policies, can bridge income gap and realize income equality.

8. Weight is proportional to size.

9. This current is proportional-to-absolute-temperature (PTAT) and causes a voltage drop proportional-to-absolute-temperature.

10. Premiums written — Gross — Proportional reinsurance accepted

11. Since the 1996 election, a form of proportional representation called mixed-member proportional (MMP) has been used.

12. — Adjustment factor for non–proportional reinsurance

13. the proportional excise duty and the value added tax levied on the weighted average retail selling price

14. Income derived from remuneration for personal services shall be taxed at the proportional tax rate of 20%.

15. Load-proportional valve and differential brake cylinder

16. Salary is proportional to years of experience.

17. Premiums earned — Gross — Non proportional reinsurance accepted

18. The output should be proportional to the input.

19. The punishment should be proportional to the crime.

20. Candidates are elected under a proportional representation system.

21. Article 4 The collection to individual income to savings deposit interest shall apply proportional tax rate of 20 percent.

22. Since the number of steps is inversely proportional to the step size h, the total rounding error is proportional to ε / h.

23. Acting like a scale factor for aerodynamics, it is proportional to density, vehicle speed and size, and inversely proportional to viscosity.

24. Proportional Representation, A Study in Methods of Election.

25. A non-proportional font (i. e. typewriter font